Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Gravity and Mass

We are told by scientists that gravity affects objects which have got a mass, giving those objects weight. On the other hand it has been observed that electromagnetic radiation is also affected to some extent by gravity. Therefore is it safe to say that electromagnetic radiation has got weight which is very very small. That would contradict the laws of physics because W=mg. Without a mass, there is no weight.

This means there is a hole in our understanding of theses theories and laws. That's my take. What's yours? Interesting!

Sub-atomic forces

There are issues physicists don't really talk about quite often but in my opinion are quite important. For example why do sub-atomic particles have electrical charges. In atoms and ions, these charges are some of the forces which bind the sub-atomic particles together on an atom. Instead of electrical forces why not magnetic forces binding electrons in their orbitals.

Its just food for thought. I think a knew trajectory is needed in our general approach in studying what we don't know in physics.